Sapiens Decision Certification Program
Overall Benefits of Certification
Sapiens Decision is redefining the relationship between business users and IT. Our certification program reflects the importance of enabling business users to take greater ownership of decision logic within business rules to create a more agile and efficient organization.
Certification in The Decision Model and supporting Sapiens Decision tools demonstrates your competency in the growing area of decision automation and provides additional benefits as a Business Analyst or Product Owner.

The value of certification
Sapiens Decision Certification provides value to Business Analysts and Product Owners by ensuring your organization has the skills required for successful business policy management and transformation. Certified business analysts ensure your organization gets the most from the Sapiens Decision methodology and tools.
Certified Decision Analysts make significant contributions to our community and Customer Advisory Board. Certification allows you to showcase your Decision skills and help your peers tackle challenges with decision automation.
Sapiens Decision Certification may help you increase your earning potential and advance your career as a business analyst or product owner. According to the 2021 Open Source Jobs Report, 88% of hiring managers said certifications are an important consideration in the hiring process.
Join us
Join a vibrant network of peers from your own industry and others who share your passion. Our certified Decision Analysts use Sapiens Decision at global banks, insurance carriers, mortgage providers, healthcare providers and government agencies. Become certified and join our community.
Discover the accomplished individuals and their sponsoring organizations through our certified software products.
View our Certified Experts.
Decision Analyst Certification
Sapiens Decision provides a path to Decision Analyst (“Analyst”) certification for practitioners of The Decision Model (TDM) supported by Sapiens Decision software. The certification process combines a written exam and formal presentation to experts. Practitioners with at least six months’ experience working on one or more decision modeling projects are welcome to apply for Analyst certification.

Written Exam
The written exam is completed remotely and sent to the evaluators. The written exam covers basic concepts of The Decision Model learned by the candidate through project work.
Analyst candidates who pass the written exam are invited to make a formal presentation to a panel of experts with a Q&A session to complete the final step of the certification process.
Each Analyst candidate receives mentoring from a Decision expert to help guide presentation development. The presentation covers: 1) project background and its business purpose, 2) a detailed review of parts of the Decision, 3) advanced topics, and 4) business outcomes. Candidates should also prepare for 15 minutes of Q&A discussion.
Presentation to Experts
The candidate prepares a 1-hour presentation (via teleconference) that describes a specific Decision or set of Decisions for which the candidate was the modeler. The presentation demonstrates the practitioner’s understanding of TDM methodology and value that Decision provides as part of the business solution.
At the successful completion of the presentation, Analyst certification is awarded. The new Certified Decision Analyst is presented with a signed certificate and provided with a soft copy graphic for email signature. Certified Decision Analysts are also invited to have their name listed on the Sapiens Decision website.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. How do I get started?
For more details on the certification written exam and presentation to experts, see The Decision ModelTM Certification for Practitioners.
2. Is there a cost to me or my organization?
3. What is the certification process and how long does it take?
Candidates who pass the written exam are invited to prepare a one hour presentation to Sapiens Decision experts describing a specific Decision or set of Decisions for which the candidate was a modeler. The presentation will cover aspects of the candidate’s project and may include The Decision Model, business considerations, and modeling experiences. The presentation also includes a 15 minute Q&A session. Candidates are welcome to invite their peers and other colleagues to the presentation.
4. Does Sapiens Decision offer classes in-person/online for certification prep?
Certification candidates can prepare for the online test by becoming familiar with The Decision Model principles and its methodology. Written test topic areas cover the benefits of TDM, TDM concepts (business decisions, rule families, rule patterns, atomic logic, and fact types). Candidates should be knowledgeable about decision model concepts like diagram notation, rule family logic, rule family analysis against principles, and list fact types. Test materials draw from the “The Decision Model” book and practical examples encountered in typical Decision deployments.
Sapiens Decision provides training on the product and TDM methodology during the deployment phase of each client project when many of the certification concepts are covered in detail. Sapiens Decision also provides mentoring to candidates as they prepare for their presentations, with up to three 1:1 meetings with candidates via videoconference.
Link to The Decision Model book by Barbara von Halle and Larry Goldberg